Thursday, February 5, 2015

Third Lab (#8- Home)

Our Community Has:
      1) The Connector building
Lots of smaller rooms, people from both dorm buildings have areas to socialize
      2) Dorm lobbies (Sanford)
      Sanford halls all have small rooms off of the elevator with couches and chairs, providing on-hall socialization
3    3) The Pickle
The Pickle Jar is a great place to get food and spend time with friends
4    4)  The swing set
In the backyard of the dorms, the swing set is a nice way to relax and hang out with friends
5    5) Picnic tables and benches
Offer spots to study or just relax
      6) The fitness center
Offers workout classes such as yoga and Zumba, or just go with a group of workout buddies

Things we would add:
1    1) Lobbies in the dorms of Moore Hall
The capability of on-hall socialization is a great asset to the communities of Sanford residents, and it would be good if all residential students had the same socialization opportunities.
2    2) Community garden
Gardening is therapeutic, and can bring people closer together, while at the same time providing either produce which could be eaten or flowers to help add some cheer to the campus.

3    3) Adult-sized playground
It could be a great way to have fun and let loose during free time, and reverting to activities so similar to those from childhood would be great stress relief from the busy lives of arts school students

Second Lab (#4- Work)

Average Daily Schedule- Leah Davis
Works 7:00 am-3:00 pm at a nursing home
Works 3:00 pm-7:00 pm at dancewear store (small business owner)

Working: 12 hours
Sleeping: 6 hours
Leisure:  1 hour
Eating: 1.5 hours
Cooking, cleaning, etc.: 1 hour
Grooming: 1 hour
Caring for children/elderly: invalid- child is away at boarding school, and part of job description is caring for the elderly
Shopping: 0.75 hours
Talking on phone: 0.25 hours
Other: 0.5 hours

Ideal Schedule:
Working: 8 hours
Sleeping: 8 hours
Leisure: 2 hours
Eating: 2 hours
Cooking, cleaning, etc.: 1 hour
Grooming: 1 hour
Shopping: 0.5 hours
Talking on phone: 0.5 hours
Other: 1 hour

First Lab (#3- Trust)

These aren’t necessarily as much examples of trust as they are examples of people being trustworthy, and how much our society requires that trustworthiness in order to function.

1) While out on a school shopping trip, we looked for examples of trust in the community.  One such example was when a woman forgot her purse behind as she was leaving, and a man made a special effort to return it to her.
2) We also conducted our own experiment of letting something small (but noticeable) fall from our pockets.  While it was unclear exactly what the object was to the onlookers, serveral people made conscous efforts to inform us that we had dropped something, despite not knowing its value (it was a cap from a soda bottle, which we threw away when we were done- no littering!).
3) There are other, subtler forms of trust that are present in the world without us even knowing it.  The fact that we go out in public at all proves that we have some trust in others that they won’t harm us.  This was evidenced by our trusting the man sitting at the table next to us to not pull out his (visibly carried) gun from its holster and shooting us.  Trust is an important aspect of life, whether we are aware of it or not.